Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day #1

Some days never seem to end.  Others, never seem to start.  Then, there are the days that have moments that feel like an eternity.  Today, I had one of those moments, and I am thankful for it.

Work was normal today.  Average amount of phone calls, emails, and projects.  Toward the end of the day, I decided to call a colleague of mine  to see if there was anything I could help him with.  When I called, I received some news that was completely unexpected.

He quickly let me know that he had seen a certain video of me and my  wife.  A video that I thought was well hidden, slowly being forgotten and hopefully, never to be seen by my co-workers.  As the words, "I saw the video of you and your wife..." left his mouth, time froze.  Everything seemed to stop.  I had what felt like minutes to calculate a smart and clever response.  Those few seconds led not to a clever response, but rather, to babbling and justification.

Not only had he seen this embarrassing video, but he watched it together with my boss.  Yes, MY BOSS!  I needed to act quickly to make sure that this video crisis did not get out of hand.  So, I crafted the following email and sent it to all of my colleagues:


The word is out about my famous YouTube video.  I know that a couple of you have seen it, so word is now going to go around the office.  If you would like to add some Christmas cheer to your holiday, go ahead and watch my version of "Love is an Open Door" from Disney's Frozen.

I never thought that any of you would find this video, but, you did.  I would rather you hear about the video from me than from somebody else.  I would take it down, but Tara will not let me.  She likes to show it to all of our friends and family to put me in my place.  The link to the video is below.

Merry Christmas,

Several minutes after sending the video, I received a phone call.  Not recognizing the number, I picked up with my typical greeting and quickly heard the comforting laughter of my boss.  She let me know how much she had loved my video and shared how it had brightened her day.  My silly video had helped her to forget some of her pains and feel some Christmas joy.

I am truly grateful for eternal moments of embarrassment and joy.  While my embarrassing video was discovered, so was true happiness and joy.  I am grateful that I have moments like these for myself, and to share with others.  Feel free to enjoy the video along with my colleagues by clicking the link above or clicking below.

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